Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Things that make me scream!

We are in a love hate relationship.  I have never been one to be "up" on the latest greatest piece of technology- from computers to whatever.  Even in high school/junior high when everyone was using messenger and "chatting" I just wasn't into it.  I didn't get on the internet much.  I didn't have a cell phone until my senior year in high school--which in turn reads 2004!! I still have the same phone plan from HS with my hubby's phone line added.  No we do not have smart phones... and we don't want them.  Don't NEED them.  Who does really? Why are we so dependent on technology? Why-- because it has ruined us.  You may not realize it but I can see it.  Even right now- I could be writing this down in my little pink spiral bound journal that I keep in my purse but no I am on a computer.

I have been thinking about this a lot and it is one reason why I want to use Rod and Staff for our curriculum for homeschooling.  Since beginning my homeschool trek I have joined numerous groups.  Everyday I see moms posting questions like this: "What website will teach my 5 year old how to read?" or "What website will teach my 7 year old his addition facts?" or "What movie covers history the best for my 5th grader?" Seriously!! FOLKS!! Why are these parents not asking for help to help themselves to teach their children.  I don't want my children to think that they can't live without technology- can't learn without it!  Do I not let my kids play on the computer? Of course I do-- with a time limit and it is a reward.  They are not dependent on it.

The other night while reading a few books to the kids that I had picked up at a thrift store (for $0.05 each!!) I chose Harry the Dirty Dog- both my kids said, "Oh I love this book! We heard it on the Smartboard!" Wait What? On the smartboard? So your teachers didn't read it to you? "no" {Me SCREAMING inside!!} "Do you use the smartboard a lot at school?" Yep! {!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ahhhhhhhhhhh} We go on and read the book and they both tell me that I read it better. Well no duh!? What kid wouldn't rather listen to a real person over a screen? It really makes me question what the teachers really do teach or if the smartboards do all the teaching?

My kids go to a very rural school- in a small district.  K-12 has around 300 kids.  With that being said one of the first graders has an i-phone.  Seriously? I really don't even know exactly what that is.  I may sound stupid  or crazy... lol

And yet my kids are still in public school... why do I torture myself with this?  I know I need to move on and put on a good front so m kids are at peace.    I have got to quit dwelling on certain things.

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