Sunday, January 18, 2015

New Chapters for 2015

So yeah I know I haven't updated this thing in a LONG time- sorry I am just not good at really keeping a blog.  Anyway lots of things are changing around here and I have got to get some feelings out.

I am really upset with the school district we reside in.  Everyone thinks it is the best - and it was the best or at least I thought it was the best when I went.  My dad went there too.  It has changed a LOT.  I am not a political person but whomever created Common Core should be kicked in the you know where.  My son is in the first grade and I am stressing so much about what he is/isn't learning.  He does a Phonics packet every week and it only has a few examples on it.  I guess I am the bad parent for not questioning about it before... but he is working on plurals this week.  He is having trouble and as I had assumed in the past- I asked him "Didn't you go over this in class?" He says a simple "no this is brand new".  I guess he has just always excelled in reading/phonics that I assumed it was for review.  I can't believe they expect a 6-7 year old to just do a few worksheets and move on to the next step without reviewing it in class.

I have been praying about what to do for a few months now.  Math was the first reason we have been thinking about homeschooling.  The math problems are ridiculous! They don't learn the basics at all.  The boy is learning complex steps but doesn't know basic facts-- like 3+4=7.... I get to fuming if I think about it too long.  My daughter isn't exposed as much to Common Core in Kindergarten but I don't want her to be exposed in 1st grade.  I am almost to the point to just go ahead and pull them now- deschool until we can purchase new curriculum--which I have already picked out.

I have been researching curriculum (I totally didn't know how to spell 'curriculum' until this chapter in our lives began a few weeks ago lol). Any way- I have been having troubles finding KJV only curriculum as many of them are NIV or other versions.  I don't want them exposed to different versions since we don't believe in different versions.  I have discovered Rod and Staff and am in love.  It is a Mennonite based curriculum and is ONLY KJV-- plus it is basic black and white studies- no frills nor fluffs to distract the kids from actual education.

My husband doesn't want to pull the kids in the middle of the year- but I want to do it now.  I get sick to my stomach thinking about sending them back to school to be taught things in a way I don't agree with but I also know I need to submit to my husband.  I am struggling with that on this subject.

I have learned my lesson again as well-- a few months ago I recall posting on facebook that I could never homeschool my kids... yeah. Never say never. ever.

I know it will take awhile to get our groove- as it will be new to me too but I think we will all be happier.  Plus if it gets rid of these tension headaches I will be in heaven!

I strove to be that perfect PTA mom-- and I failed.  Even though I am PTA president I feel like a failure.  I really care about my kids' future and get really upset when other parents don't volunteer for community events.  But now I realize that if I cared as much as I feel then my kids wouldn't even be in this school.  I know I will probably lose friends but I will gain more.  This is not about me or my husband but the future of our kids, of our community, of our nation.  

I want my kids to be respectful, book smart, and common sense smart.  I hope I can instill all that in them as well as Bible Smarts- which I am rusty on.  Lord Willing that we can get through this.

I feel that this is our new chapter in life.  This year I will turn 30 and plan to do for the better- not the worse.  I need to start thinking more about the people around me- not just me but our community which I do love dearly.

Remember- never say never...ever! Blessings to you all!


  1. I applaud you on your determination to raise your children with a Godly standard. I really believe that homeschooling is the best way to do that, and if you make that move, I think you and the Lord will be pleased.

    We took our oldest out in the middle of the year when our daughter was in 3rd grade and our son was in 1st way back in 1999. For us, once we decided that was what the Lord wanted, we decided it would be wrong to go against His will for 4 or 5 months just to follow the government's plan for education. By the way, they each graduated from our homeschool with flying colors, and we are continuing to homeschool our others. Rod and Staff has been one of our favorite publishers, also.

    You are correct, however, to let your husband be the leader. Perhaps he will change his mind if he re-evaluates his reasons for wanting them to finish the year in a system that does not honor God and is not beneficial to his children. If it is because he feels like it would be "quitting" in the middle of something, I would say that it should be looked at as "starting" something much better, instead of quitting. Maybe he would be willing to compromise and end the public school year with Spring Break. Around here, the public schools really don't do much learning or anything constructive after Spring Break, with all the mandatory testing junk, and then all the rewards (worldly movies), etc.

    I appreciate your heart and will be praying for you!

    1. Thank you. I appreciate your encouraging words.
