Saturday, January 24, 2015


Purging clothing today (and yesterday) These kids of mine have/had TOO many clothes!  I have 6 (13 gallon) trash bags FULL of clothing!! 2 bags are for people I know and the other 4 are for donation.  I don't know why but my kids had a TON of coats... we downsized to 3 coats each.  I have a trash bag just of coats... yeah. I haven't even touched mine and my hubby's clothing yet.  I know I have some dresses and a couple skirts to give away.  It is ridiculous to have a large amount of clothing- I feel like I am constantly doing laundry and never getting ahead-always have mountains of laundry.  Since yesterday morning I have done 10 loads of laundry and still have at least 6 loads left to do.. I will have more clothes to donate before I am done!  Thankfully today is sunny and I will be able to give my dryer a break-- plus I need to do our sheets and I prefer line-dried sheets! (Don't you??)

Downsizing is a GOOD thing.  I have been told and I know it is true-- I am just a few steps to becoming a hoarder... not like the hoarders you see on TV with cockroaches and 60 cats... lol but I do tend to hold onto things.  Trying my best to move away from that "want to" to keep things forever.  I don't feel comfortable having people in my home because I do have a lot of clutter--- trying to get organized-- when you live in a small house I believe downsizing is the FIRST step!

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