Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Things that make me scream!

We are in a love hate relationship.  I have never been one to be "up" on the latest greatest piece of technology- from computers to whatever.  Even in high school/junior high when everyone was using messenger and "chatting" I just wasn't into it.  I didn't get on the internet much.  I didn't have a cell phone until my senior year in high school--which in turn reads 2004!! I still have the same phone plan from HS with my hubby's phone line added.  No we do not have smart phones... and we don't want them.  Don't NEED them.  Who does really? Why are we so dependent on technology? Why-- because it has ruined us.  You may not realize it but I can see it.  Even right now- I could be writing this down in my little pink spiral bound journal that I keep in my purse but no I am on a computer.

I have been thinking about this a lot and it is one reason why I want to use Rod and Staff for our curriculum for homeschooling.  Since beginning my homeschool trek I have joined numerous groups.  Everyday I see moms posting questions like this: "What website will teach my 5 year old how to read?" or "What website will teach my 7 year old his addition facts?" or "What movie covers history the best for my 5th grader?" Seriously!! FOLKS!! Why are these parents not asking for help to help themselves to teach their children.  I don't want my children to think that they can't live without technology- can't learn without it!  Do I not let my kids play on the computer? Of course I do-- with a time limit and it is a reward.  They are not dependent on it.

The other night while reading a few books to the kids that I had picked up at a thrift store (for $0.05 each!!) I chose Harry the Dirty Dog- both my kids said, "Oh I love this book! We heard it on the Smartboard!" Wait What? On the smartboard? So your teachers didn't read it to you? "no" {Me SCREAMING inside!!} "Do you use the smartboard a lot at school?" Yep! {!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ahhhhhhhhhhh} We go on and read the book and they both tell me that I read it better. Well no duh!? What kid wouldn't rather listen to a real person over a screen? It really makes me question what the teachers really do teach or if the smartboards do all the teaching?

My kids go to a very rural school- in a small district.  K-12 has around 300 kids.  With that being said one of the first graders has an i-phone.  Seriously? I really don't even know exactly what that is.  I may sound stupid  or crazy... lol

And yet my kids are still in public school... why do I torture myself with this?  I know I need to move on and put on a good front so m kids are at peace.    I have got to quit dwelling on certain things.

Saturday, January 24, 2015


Purging clothing today (and yesterday) These kids of mine have/had TOO many clothes!  I have 6 (13 gallon) trash bags FULL of clothing!! 2 bags are for people I know and the other 4 are for donation.  I don't know why but my kids had a TON of coats... we downsized to 3 coats each.  I have a trash bag just of coats... yeah. I haven't even touched mine and my hubby's clothing yet.  I know I have some dresses and a couple skirts to give away.  It is ridiculous to have a large amount of clothing- I feel like I am constantly doing laundry and never getting ahead-always have mountains of laundry.  Since yesterday morning I have done 10 loads of laundry and still have at least 6 loads left to do.. I will have more clothes to donate before I am done!  Thankfully today is sunny and I will be able to give my dryer a break-- plus I need to do our sheets and I prefer line-dried sheets! (Don't you??)

Downsizing is a GOOD thing.  I have been told and I know it is true-- I am just a few steps to becoming a hoarder... not like the hoarders you see on TV with cockroaches and 60 cats... lol but I do tend to hold onto things.  Trying my best to move away from that "want to" to keep things forever.  I don't feel comfortable having people in my home because I do have a lot of clutter--- trying to get organized-- when you live in a small house I believe downsizing is the FIRST step!

Friday, January 23, 2015

New Friends

Last night I was blessed to meet some new friends.  I went to my first Homeschool Activity-- just for moms.  I was so nervous about going and almost didn't- but I prayed to God about it and found enough faith to go.  I met some really great women and feel like I truly started some great friendships.  I learned a lot and feel that this group is what I need for my soul to be happy. I feel rejuvenated today and have been able to accomplish many household chores.  I hope maybe if I can get our house in good order maybe my husband will see that I am serious about homeschooling.

When I was little and the age old question of "What do you want to be when you grow up?" was asked- my responses were either a teacher or an author.  While I still love to write, I still want to be a teacher more.  When I graduated high school I went to college for awhile and majored in Agriculture Education.  I quit after a year- felt defeated by the math it required.  After my youngest was born I went back to school at a community college -- I took some elementary education classes.  I just didn't feel like it all clicked.  I was upset with some of the classes and the things we learned about.  They just didn't agree with my beliefs.  So after awhile I gave up. (and funds ran low) As of late, my prayers to God have been to lead me on this Homeschooling thing- He keeps reminding me of my want to teach.  I feel that our good Lord is leading me to teach my children.  I haven't been so sure of anything in a long time.

Deuteronomy 6:6-7 KJV

6. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart;
7. And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

I am a planner -- and a procrastinator...

Sometimes I feel that I plan so much that I end up procrastinating.  Anyone else like this? I plan to get my house clean but now it is a mess again.  I look at it and I WANT to get it clean but where do I put everything? How do I get everyone else to change their ways as well?! I want to bring new things into the house (homeschool things mostly) and I need a place for them.  I need the dining room finished first though and it is a disaster- hubby says he can't finish it until it is clean.  Well I cleaned it a couple months ago (like October!? lol) and it never was finished...so things have piled up again...sigh

Today the house is cold.  Hubby let the fire go out last night and is blaming me.  I hate it that he will talk to me and tell me one thing and then just fall asleep and say that he never talked to me.  I don't know if he doesn't really remember or is lying to me.  Gives me a headache because he is almost abusive in the mornings before his chew and Dr. Pepper.... he is not a morning person and is very grouchy most days...it is wearing on our marriage.

I have a fire now but it is cold-takes awhile to get things warmed up again...

Monday, January 19, 2015

Beautiful Day

Went to Tunas and Lead Mine today- was pleased to find many of the Rod and Staff books that we will be able to use for Homeschooling.  Wish I had the money to purchase some of them now but at least I know where to look for supplements now.  Prices were fantastic.

It is 62°F right now and is just a beautiful day- feels like spring! Hubby is off today but is busy helping out a neighbor-wish he were home with me.

Last night at church I felt Brother Durnell was preaching straight at me.  He preached on how we need to raise up our children in the right way, how we need to protect them from the evils of this old world.  Day after day we are faced with so many bad things that we as a society have just accepted as the norm.  I haven't but society has.  Such as gays/lesbians-- we know it is wrong but when our children see them out in the world acting like nothing is wrong we need to be there to correct their thinking.  We need to be there when their acquaintances try to provoke them to do wrong.  We cannot be there while they are at school.

The other day I had to explain (or try to explain) to our daughter who is 5, why she hasn't been baptized yet.  Try explaining that to a child that has yet been convicted of her sins.  A child that hasn't reached the age of accountability.  All because a boy who is younger than she "accepted" God and was "baptized" at Bible Camp... I want to protect my children from the devils in sheep clothing.  It is bad when the devil is using children to do his work.  I know they are deceived but the are still doing the devil's work.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

New Chapters for 2015

So yeah I know I haven't updated this thing in a LONG time- sorry I am just not good at really keeping a blog.  Anyway lots of things are changing around here and I have got to get some feelings out.

I am really upset with the school district we reside in.  Everyone thinks it is the best - and it was the best or at least I thought it was the best when I went.  My dad went there too.  It has changed a LOT.  I am not a political person but whomever created Common Core should be kicked in the you know where.  My son is in the first grade and I am stressing so much about what he is/isn't learning.  He does a Phonics packet every week and it only has a few examples on it.  I guess I am the bad parent for not questioning about it before... but he is working on plurals this week.  He is having trouble and as I had assumed in the past- I asked him "Didn't you go over this in class?" He says a simple "no this is brand new".  I guess he has just always excelled in reading/phonics that I assumed it was for review.  I can't believe they expect a 6-7 year old to just do a few worksheets and move on to the next step without reviewing it in class.

I have been praying about what to do for a few months now.  Math was the first reason we have been thinking about homeschooling.  The math problems are ridiculous! They don't learn the basics at all.  The boy is learning complex steps but doesn't know basic facts-- like 3+4=7.... I get to fuming if I think about it too long.  My daughter isn't exposed as much to Common Core in Kindergarten but I don't want her to be exposed in 1st grade.  I am almost to the point to just go ahead and pull them now- deschool until we can purchase new curriculum--which I have already picked out.

I have been researching curriculum (I totally didn't know how to spell 'curriculum' until this chapter in our lives began a few weeks ago lol). Any way- I have been having troubles finding KJV only curriculum as many of them are NIV or other versions.  I don't want them exposed to different versions since we don't believe in different versions.  I have discovered Rod and Staff and am in love.  It is a Mennonite based curriculum and is ONLY KJV-- plus it is basic black and white studies- no frills nor fluffs to distract the kids from actual education.

My husband doesn't want to pull the kids in the middle of the year- but I want to do it now.  I get sick to my stomach thinking about sending them back to school to be taught things in a way I don't agree with but I also know I need to submit to my husband.  I am struggling with that on this subject.

I have learned my lesson again as well-- a few months ago I recall posting on facebook that I could never homeschool my kids... yeah. Never say never. ever.

I know it will take awhile to get our groove- as it will be new to me too but I think we will all be happier.  Plus if it gets rid of these tension headaches I will be in heaven!

I strove to be that perfect PTA mom-- and I failed.  Even though I am PTA president I feel like a failure.  I really care about my kids' future and get really upset when other parents don't volunteer for community events.  But now I realize that if I cared as much as I feel then my kids wouldn't even be in this school.  I know I will probably lose friends but I will gain more.  This is not about me or my husband but the future of our kids, of our community, of our nation.  

I want my kids to be respectful, book smart, and common sense smart.  I hope I can instill all that in them as well as Bible Smarts- which I am rusty on.  Lord Willing that we can get through this.

I feel that this is our new chapter in life.  This year I will turn 30 and plan to do for the better- not the worse.  I need to start thinking more about the people around me- not just me but our community which I do love dearly.

Remember- never say never...ever! Blessings to you all!