Also while laying there... Decided that next week I am going to start taking down the farrowing pens along the numerous farrowing houses we have in the lots. We have quite a few hog panels that are not being used and I might possibly be able to sell them. It will take a lot of work because there is a lot of brush grown up around them, but since I now have a chainsaw... <insert evil laughter here> :D It will do me good to get out of the house. I know it will be cooler, but I work better when it is cooler. Gotta get me some leather gloves though - Chris took my last ones.
I tried to brainstorm on how to make a couple chicken tractors with the supplies I already have, but gave up when I got to the wheel parts.... I am not that handy. But we do have a lot of cage wire left from making rabbit cages, and I have some of that really tough plastic chicken wire, and some welded wire (horse fence). I have leftover wood from the house as well...
and then I finally went to sleep. lol
We are selling 2 heifers today, fingers crossed that they bring well. We filed our taxes on Tuesday but because I had school stuff we won't be getting our return until mid March! You know that saying, don't count your chickens before they hatch? Well we didn't listen. We were planning on that money to pay some bills. Oh well, I guess our heifers are like walking savings accounts, right? Still kinda sucks though because we could get 1 of the ones we wanted to sell caught, she went under a portable corral pannel and bent the bottom two bars up... and then we got back in the corral and she cleared the 6ft fence like a flying reindeer. She is NOT going to make a good cow. We ended up giving up because she took off like a bullet across the pasture... So the 2 we ended up taking were a couple of our best.
Later this afternoon we are going to go split wood. I secretly LOVE to split wood. It makes me feel so good to run the splitter, and I know I am really not doing anything but there is just something about being outdoors and working along side my husband. And the kids playing in the field with the cattle all standing around us looking at us.
I just looked up and out my patio door I saw 3 red squirrels in the pasture... may have to talk hubby into going squirrel hunting this afternoon. I have been wanting some more squirrel!! I love the young ones fried, and the older ones with homemade noodles!
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